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Website technical optimization

Техническая оптимизация сайта
W e can say with confidence that this is one of the most significant moments in the promotion. In general, this process must be thoroughly done once at the very beginning, and then only periodically make adjustments. To make the story short, technical optimization is a set of activities that are carried out to increase the level of “mutual understanding” of the site with search bots.

The main goal of such actions is to ensure a high degree of indexing. If you slow down or fail to notice some moments, then you can create a huge obstacle on the way to getting into the search engine leader lists or, in general, make the promotion unrealistic.

Of course, all actions should be performed exclusively by a professional in this area, and the owner does not even need to try to change something in the codes, as this can cause fatal consequences.

Let’s talk about the main mistakes that can be made and how to fix them. At the same time, we need to repeat that all changes must be made exclusively by specially trained people.

Basic moments

Robot.txt file

This is a text document that should be the basis of a resource system. It contains data intended for search bots – page addresses and sitemaps, indexing data, that is, which pages need to be indexed and which not. The latter concerns duplicates, system files.

All addresses must be configured as follows:

  • slash at the end;
  • using only the Latin alphabet. For sites that belong to the domain of the Russian Federation, for some reason, it is common to mix Latin and Russian letters in one address line;
  • exclude special characters such as the question mark or “@”. They may be misunderstood or not displayed at all.

The sitemap will help to check the addresses.

A sitemap is used by bots, and it is also necessary for “users”. It makes it easier to find the information you need on the platform. So the robot will understand the whole “grid”, and the visitor will be able to more easily navigate the web resource. Here, too, you can create instructions for the search engine regarding indexing priorities, as well as point data on updates. It should be remembered that the map cannot contain more than 50 thousand pages, otherwise it will be necessary to create another one.

Website technical optimization


Every time a visitor opens a page or a search bot checks, the server provides information about the general state of the site or its individual section.

There are such basic codes:

  • 200 – means that the site or a separate page is ok;
  • error 404 – makes it clear that such a page no longer exists;
  • 503 – there is no access to the server for some time.

It happens that the code is issued incorrectly. For example, the page functions successfully, but a 404 or some other shows up. Such moments should be immediately checked and the correct setting in .htaccess should be done.

You need to pay more attention to the 404 error because information about an existing page with this code is not added to the database for search.

Website technical optimization


The most popular mistake is when the transition from the www domain to the domain without them is not configured, or vice versa. You need to select the main one and specify it in .htaccess, otherwise, there will be problems in distribution, since the bot will see the pages as duplicates.

Additional nuances

  • Title and description tags should be written correctly. They must be correctly made, showing the meaning of the page for which they were created.
  • Optimally, the download time cannot exceed 0.7 seconds for downloading one code and not more than 0.2 seconds for the server’s response.
  • Headings from H1 to H6 cannot be used in the design. H1 is not used more than once for one page.
  • Favicon.
  • Displaying the site in major browsers. Before a thorough launch, you need to do some testing.
  • The access page to the admin panel should be closed from transferring data about updates.
  • Checking the layout for the presence of paired unclosed tags.
  • If the documents in the robots folder do not contain any important data, they need to be closed. The same applies to official documents.
  • For online trading platforms, there should be closed sections with filters, search, registration of an application, and login

Website technical optimization

Even after the formation of pages that are closed from indexing is finally completed, you need to periodically check for the appearance of duplicates.

Above, we have outlined the most common problems that can be admitted during development or are simply ignored due to carelessness. Try to find each of them and fix them as quickly as possible. Remember that the slightest error can prevent you from getting into the TOP. Involve trusted specialists in maintenance, conduct periodic audits to adjust the site for the better.

Our team is always ready to help you at the right time. Only the best professionals work with us, who have been helping the owners of various web portals to achieve the best positions in the search results lists for more than 10 years. Feedback from grateful clients and cases with launched projects will speak for us. For any question, you will receive a detailed answer in a language that you understand, without the overload of unnecessary and incomprehensible terminology.

Website technical optimization

Why should you contact us?

  • The leader among SEO agencies in the CIS.
  • We conclude competent and transparent contracts for the provision of services.
  • We promptly solve problems of any complexity.
  • We are ready to have total financial responsibility for failure to meet deadlines.
  • We cooperate with the largest companies.
  • We use only the latest software and are constantly learning.

Send us a text or e-mail. We respond quickly to all requests. We are ready to raise your site to the TOP right now!